About us

Greetings from the Director

Last updated: 2021/3/29


Yoshiaki Nakano

I am Yoshiaki Nakano, being appointed as the Director of the Division of Global Education, Institute for Innovation in International Engineering Education (IIIEE), the School of Engineering from April 2021.

Our school is one of the best schools in the university incorporating international education and research activities by sending and receiving a large number of students and researchers to/from overseas. However, we can find more aggressive and excellent practices in other universities in Japan as well as in the world which are contributing to global society. We, the School of Engineering, should not content ourselves with current situation but move toward further globalization and higher international value. I will continue existing programs and try starting new programs which comply with that purpose. Your cooperation is very much appreciated.

Director of the Division of Global Education, Professor
Yoshiaki Nakano

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