English Learning Coaching (ELC)
Last updated: 2024/9/26

Do you need to learn English to conduct research, to study abroad, or to work in the global community? What should you do to build on, and make the best possible use of the English skills you have developed so far? To achieve the goal of learning English or utilizing English ability, everyone needs a different strategy depending on individual purpose, interest, intention, and so on. Let’s discuss the best way for you to learn English through self-study, so that YOU can play an active role in the global community!
We'll also be glad to answer any questions about English you may have.
In 2024A, ELC is being conducted online from 12:10 to 13:00 on Thursdays, starting from October 17th to January 16th (Except for October 24th, November 21st, and December 26th). The Zoom URL can be accessed at:
★Zoom URL★
To access this link, you need to login with your ECCS account.
No reservation is needed. If the ELC session is occupied, please wait in the Zoom waiting room until it becomes available.
Contact:uchibori[at] (please change [at] to @)