Special Training for English Academic Communication
Last updated: 2024/4/12

“Special Training for English Academic Communication (STEAC)”is an intensive course of approximately 30-minute daily speaking and listening tasks (fully on-demand and online) for 7-8 weeks, designed to help you acquire the basic skills for spoken communication in English: acquire 1) ears for capturing words from a fluent stream of spoken English and 2) a mouth to read aloud English with an intelligible and clear pronunciation. Furthermore, you will 3) develop your ears so that they can cope with variously accented English, which you may eventually encounter at international conferences, and 4) practice speaking while thinking and thinking while speaking through English conversation with ChatGPT.
On Monday, you will watch an instructional video on the week's assignment. Tuesday to Sunday you will do a daily web audio assignment, which you will record and submit. Using a variety of speech and language technologies, your submitted English audio is analysed and evaluated, and the results are returned to you. By receiving the results, you will be able to objectively understand your own 'strengths' and 'weaknesses', and overcome your weaknesses through conducting subsequent assignments.
*Spring break (A1A2): for second-year engineering students
*Summer break (S1S2): for third-year engineering students
Register through a STEAC workspace on UTokyo Slack.
A wired headset or wired earphones with microphone are required for STEAC.
More information about the course is available on UTAS and UTOL. See the Slack for daily task details.
For your reference: IEICE ICT Pioneers Webinar
* You may have to attend an international program in the near future and you may want to improve your oral skills in English quickly. STEAC can support you. Please visit here (a form in Japanese) to answer several questions to attend the latest STEAC training. Note that you cannot get any credit.
Contact:Prof. Minematsu mine[at] (please change [at] to @)