(1)Roy from Taiwan:
When I first got to Japan last January, I wanted to create a Japanese bank account for depositing my salary and went with another friend who speaks Japanese with me. So, we went to the bank together, and drew a number plate, and waited for around 30 minutes. However, when it got to my turn, the bank clerk asked me not to depend on my friend and continue asking me questions in Japanese. I did not understand many Japanese words, so I could only nod my head and say “はい、はい、はい。。。。”, and then after 3 minutes, the clerk found out that I could not really speak Japanese and asked me to leave and come back when my Japanese improved in a month…😂😂
Not until the next month did I improve my Japanese skill and successfully open my bank account.

(2)Gunjan from India:
I was accompanying a friend to doctor’s clinic one day with the assumption that I have lived in Japan longer, thus would know more Japanese. We knew where the clinic was but hadn’t checked the schedule assuming that clinics are open every day (Spoiler alert: It wasn’t!). The elevator did not take us till he required 9th floor because the floor was closed for the day, but we thought the elevator was faulty. So, we went till the 8th floor and started looking for stairs to go to the 9th floor. An elderly gentleman asked us what we were doing, and I replied we wanted to go to the clinic. The gentleman kindly told us “おやすみです”. I knew it meant goodnight but it was early in the morning so I got confused and I thought the gentleman felt bad that I did not greet him so I replied “おはようございます, 階段はどこですか?”. The gentleman again replied “おやすみです”, before I could ask another stupid question the gentleman replied in English “Oyasumi is holiday. Today the clinic is closed, come tomorrow”. I was so embarrassed, and my friend kept laughing at me :D.