
@ 本郷キャンパス工学部11号館1Fラウンジ(スタバの隣)
2024年度AセメスターTAのうち、Ariane, Sarah, Tengis, Jessの4人 3人がテーブルでお待ちしています。ゲストの希望に応じて臨機応変に対応します。お1人で、お友達と、お気軽にお立ち寄りください。
✓ 東京大学に在籍する全ての方対象の自由英会話プログラム
✓ 無料
✓ 原則オンライン(Zoom)
✓ 1セッション15~30分間程度 *21:00のセッションは15分間
✓ あなた1人またはあなたと友達のペア1組だけがTAペアとおしゃべり
✓ 全員が承諾した場合は、英語以外の言葉でのおしゃべりもOK
✓ 語学の教授や指導はしません
1. 下のカレンダーで、各TAペアの対応可能な日時を確認
2. カレンダーの希望日時をクリックして、名前(英語表記。友達とペアで参加する場合は代表者名)、所属、普段使うメールアドレスを記入して予約
*予約直後、Garden of Englishから自動メールでZoom情報が届きます。届かずスパムフォルダにも無い場合は、Zoom情報を直接問い合わせてください
*キャンセルの場合は、予約直後にGarden of Englishから届いたメールの最下段"Click here to cancel this booking"を選んでください。他の人が予約できるようになります
3. 開始時刻になったら、予約直後にメール送付されたZoom情報から庭(ミーティング)に入っておしゃべり開始
*おしゃべり終了後、Zoom情報とともに事前送付されたリンクからアンケート(Google Forms)にお答え願います
TAスケジュールと予約(2週間先まで予約可能)* 2024A最終: 1/27
* 庭(Zoom meeting)が既に予約されている場合、その日時はカレンダー上では見えません
- TA pair No.1: Daniel & Sarah (Wed 11:00 & Wed 11:35)
- TA pair No.2: Ariane & Shuyi (Mon 10:00 & Mon 10:45)
- TA pair No.3: Julia & Dildora (Tue 21:00 & Fri 21:00)
- TA pair No.4: Tengis & Jess (Mon 10:30 & Thu 10:00)
- TA pair No.2: Ariane & Shuyi (Mon 10:00 & Mon 10:45)
TA pair No.1: Daniel & Sarah (Wed 11:00 & Wed 11:35)
TA pair No.2: Ariane & Shuyi (Mon 10:00 & Mon 10:45)
* No session on 13 January
TA pair No.3: Julia & Dildora (Tue 21:00 & Fri 21:00)
TA pair No.4: Tengis & Jess (Mon 10:30 & Thu 10:00)
* No session on 13 January
2024Aセメ TA紹介
Home: Canada
Language: English, Mandarin, Some Japanese
Interests: Cycling, Hiking, Scuba Diving, Travelling

Hello, my name is Daniel. I was born in China and moved to Canada in elementary school. Currently I am a first year masters student in the Department of Civil Engineering. When not studying, I love to travel around Japan. This summer I took a road trip in Kyushu! I rode a helicopter at Mount Aso and experienced the full force of typhoon 10 on Yakushima island. Last summer I completed a 600km cycling trip from Tokyo to Shizuoka. You can see me with my bicycle at a view point on Izu peninsula with Mt Fuji in the background in the photo.
Feel free to drop by for a fun chat with me. I would love to meet new friends, exchange cultures and talk about various topics.
Home: Switzerland
Language: German, English, French, Japanese (little)
Interests: Trail Running, Road Cycling and Hiking

Hey there! My name is Ariane. I'm a 2nd year PhD student in the Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Sciences focusing on Biophysics.
Whenever I need a break from hard-core science, I engage various sport activities. During the week, I love cycling and am leading a running club. On the weekends, I enjoy travelling outside of Tokyo and trail run in the nature of Saitama, Kanagawa and Yamanashi. My favourite spot so far was Shiroyama (Yugawara, Kanagawa).
Drop me a message to talk about nature, sports, fantasy books and movies, or cooking.
Home: China
Language: English, Japanese, Chinese
Interests: Martial Arts, MBTI analysis and K-pop

Hi! This is Julia from China. I'm currently a master's student in the Department of Engineering, studying Technology Management of Innovation. I spent four years in Canada for my bachelor's degree and decided to continue my studies at Tokyo University. I know that speaking is the hardest part of nearly every language, and I am experiencing this difficulty with my Japanese as well. Feel free to chat with me about anything; it's always a pleasure to learn with you!
Home: China
Language: Chinese, English, Japanese
Interests: City Walk, Eating, Watch Cooking Shows, Travelling

Hi! I'm Shuyi from China, and I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in Linguistics at the Department of Language and Information Sciences. Outside of academics, you'll often find me on city walks, trying out local cuisine, or watching cooking shows for inspiration in the kitchen. I love to travel and share experiences about the places I've visited. So, if you're interested in sharing your passions or just want to chat about food and travel, feel free to drop by! I look forward to meeting you all!
Home: Indonesia
Language: Indonesian, English
Interests: travelling, music, watching movies, eating

Hi there! I'm Sarah from Indonesia. I came to Japan and my PhD in the Department of Mechanical Engineering this April. I used to play music back home and I absolutely love it! I also enjoy traveling, experiencing new cultures, and, of course, trying different foods.
By the way, I'm pretty outgoing and love chatting with others, so feel free to talk with me!
Home: Mongolia
Language: Mongolian (native), English, Japanese, Chinese (little)
Interests: Volleyball, Jazz, Photography, watching movies and animes
Hi! My name is Tengis. I moved to Japan when I was 18 to pursue my studies and recently graduated with a degree in Chemical System Engineering from the University of Tokyo. I'm now a first-year Master's student. I'm passionate about teaching and love helping others improve, which led me to work as a high school physics teacher in Mongolia for a year.
In my free time, I enjoy exploring different genres of music and movies, which have been my greatest language teachers. I have a special love for jazz music. Recently, I was inspired by an Indian movie called 12th Fail, which motivated me to put my best effort into everything I do.
Feel free to reach out and talk about anything! I'm excited to meet you all.
Home: Singapore
Language: English, Chinese, French, Japanese

I'm a 3rd-year PhD student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, focusing on applying machine learning to enhance the thermal conductivity of cellulose nanomaterials. My goal is to develop sustainable technology inspired by the elegance of nature.
I have a deep appreciation for nature and find relaxation in spending time outdoors. Although I've studied French and Japanese for many years, I've often been too shy to practice speaking them. Now, I aim to create a welcoming environment where people feel comfortable practicing their English.
Feel free to reach out — I'd love to chat about anything under the sun!
Home: Uzbekistan
Language: Uzbek, Russian, English, Japanese(little)
Interests: Reading, traveling, cooking

Hi! My name is Dildora, and I’m a Master's student in the Department of Applied Chemistry. I'm from Uzbekistan and have been living in Japan for 2 years. I love reading books, especially classical novels and psychology-related books. During holidays, I often travel around Tokyo with my family. Feel free to reach out!
東京大学工学系研究科 国際工学教育推進機構
(Rm.324 via 2nd floor, Eng.Bldg.No.8, Hongo)
E-mail: utokyo.garden[at]gmail.com
電話(Phone): 03-5841-2323(根本)