








✓ 東京大学に在籍する全ての方対象の自由英会話プログラム

✓ 無料

✓ 原則オンライン(Zoom)

✓ 1セッション15~30分間程度

✓ あなた1人またはあなたと友達のペア1組だけがTAペアとおしゃべり

✓ 全員が承諾した場合は、英語以外の言葉でのおしゃべりもOK

✓ 語学の教授や指導はしません



1. 下のカレンダーで、各TAペアの対応可能な日時を確認

2. カレンダーの希望日時をクリックして、名前(英語表記。友達とペアで参加する場合は代表者名)と、普段使うメールアドレスを記入して予約
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* 2024Sセメは7月25日(木)が最終日です

* 予約されている日はクリックできません

TA pair No.1: Gunjan & Julia (Tue 18:00 & Thu 21:00)

* 7/11: Joy & Ariane

TA pair No.2: Charisse & Daniel (Wed 12:25 & Wed 13:00)

TA pair No.3: Stanley & Joy (Tue 9:00 & Wed 9:00)

TA pair No.4: Justine & Ariane (Tue 14:00 & Thu 15:00)

*Charisse instead of Ariane for 9 & 16 May

2024Sセメ TA紹介


Home: India

Language: English, Hindi, Kannada, Japanese

Interests: Reading books , Cycling in the streets of Tokyo and Chiba, Fixing things

Hello ! I am Gunjan Joshi, a third-year doctoral student in the Department of Electrical Engineering, specializing in explainable AI frameworks for earth observation remote sensing. My work in remote sensing enables me to travel the Earth's surface without ever leaving my lab. However, when I do step outside, you'll often find me hiking somehwere in Chiba, taking leisurely strolls in Tokyo, or embarking on cycling adventures wherever my bicycle leads.

Drop by to have a friendly chat!!


Home: Philippines

Language: English, Filipino, 日本語 (ちょっと)

Interests: Watching TV series, playing word games and some Pokemon games, listening to pop music

こんにちわ! I am Justine from the Philippines. I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Urban Engineering, focusing on active transport and bicycle lane networks. I have been enjoying my stay in Japan for more than a year and I am truly grateful for this opportunity. Here, I've met great people and made new friends, visited famous landmarks and tourist spots, savored a variety of meals like ramen and okonomiyaki, and indulged in desserts like matcha flavored foods, among others. I've also immersed myself in Japanese culture, and experienced picturesque views of nature in all four seasons.

I hope we get to have a meaningful and fun conversation as we share each other's experiences, cultures, and interests. よろしくおねがいします。


Home: Philippines

Language: English, Filipino, Japanese (a little)

Interests: video games, watching tv series, reading manga, listening to a vast genre of music

Hi I'm Charisse from the Philippines! I'm a 2nd year master's student from the Urban Engineering department. I've been living here for over a year now but I still find Japanese culture fascinating. Travelling to other places and trying their food are some of the things I enjoy.

Listening to other people's stories is fun and entertaining, and sometimes I learn new and interesting things, so please talk to me freely!


Home: Philippines

Language: English, Japanese, Filipino, elementary Chinese

Interests: watching series and YouTube, taking strolls, gaming

Hey, Stanley here from the Philippines! I'm currently a master's student from the Department of Civil Engineering and researching under the Earthquake Research Institute. I love trying new things and learning all kinds of stuff. Since coming to Japan, I've enjoyed taking strolls and relishing the charm of its changing seasons. When I want to just relax, I like to watch educational, comedy, or music videos in English and Japanese.

Whether you want to improve your communication and conversation skills or just want to chat about anything, I'd be happy to talk with you!


Home: Canada

Language: English, Mandarin, Some Japanese

Interests: Cycling, Hiking, Scuba Diving, Travelling

Hello, my name is Daniel. I was born in China and moved to Canada in elementary school. Currently I am a first year masters student in the Department of Civil Engineering. When not studying, I love to travel around Japan. This summer I climbed Mt Fuji twice, went to Okinawa for a scuba diving trip and also completed a 600km cycling trip from Tokyo to Shizuoka. You can see me with my bicycle at a view point on Izu peninsula with Mt Fuji in the background in the photo.

Feel free to drop by for a fun chat with me. I would love to meet new friends, exchange cultures and talk about various topics.


Home: China

Language: Mandarin, English, Japanese

Interests: Reading, Dancing, Photographing, Traveling

Hello I’m Joy from China, and am currently a Doctoral student in the Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Engineering. I love traveling and learning from both culture and nature. I’ve been to Kamakura, Atami, Mt. Fuji, Nagano, Nagoya and Kyoto since came here this April, and I’d like to keep exploring the City of Tokyo and all places in Japan.

Please feel free to drop by and have casual chat with me, we can talk about anything not limited to history, art, movies, etc. I’m sure we can get inspired from each other.


Home: Switzerland

Language: German, English, French, Japanese (little)

Interests: running, cycling and hiking

I’m Ariane, a PhD student in the Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Sciences. I came to Japan in April and have learned some Japanese since. I’m a very active person; I enjoy running and strolling in nature. In my holidays, I go on long hiking trips or cycle tours.

Drop me a message to talk about nature, sports, fantasy books and movies, or cooking.


Home: China

Language: English, Japanese, Chinese

Interests: Martial Arts, MBTI analysis and K-pop

Hi! This is Julia from China. I'm currently a master's student in the Department of Engineering, studying Technology Management of Innovation. I spent four years in Canada for my bachelor's degree and decided to continue my studies at Tokyo University. I know that speaking is the hardest part of nearly every language, and I am experiencing this difficulty with my Japanese as well. Feel free to chat with me about anything; it's always a pleasure to learn with you!




東京大学工学系研究科 国際工学教育推進機構

オフィス(Office): 本郷キャンパス工学部8号館324号室(連絡通路は2F)
(Rm.324 via 2nd floor, Eng.Bldg.No.8, Hongo)
E-mail: utokyo.garden[at]gmail.com
電話(Phone): 03-5841-2323(根本)
