(Special) International Collaborative Practice
(Special) International Collaborative Practice S III/ A III: International Understanding and Communication
Last updated: 2024/10/3

During this course, students will participate in online sessions in which they will work together with students at universities overseas as well as lectures and workshops on topics related to the sessions. Upon completion, students will be explicitly aware of cultural differences and improve their ability to communicate smoothly with people from various cultural and linguistic backgrounds in the world.
For more information, refer to the syllabus at UTAS.
*In the A semester, the first class meeting will be held on October 2nd (Wed) from 16:50 to 18:35 (5th period). For those who cannot attend the class on October 2, a course guidance will be additionally held online during the lunch break on October 3rd (Thu) and October 7th (Mon), and a makeup class will be held online on October 3rd (Thu), from 16:50 to 18:35 (5th period). Please check UTAS for the Zoom URL.
S Semester
International Collaborative Practice S III (Undergraduate)
Course code: FEN-CO3913S3
Special International Collaborative Practice S III (Graduate)
Course code: 3799-413
A Semester
International Collaborative Practice A III (Undergraduate)
Course code: FEN-CO3943S3
Special International Collaborative Practice A III (Graduate)
Course code: 3799-423
Online Guidance Session: (Special) International Collaborative Practice/Workshop 2024A
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024. 18:45 -20:00 JST
The Zoom URL for the guidance session can be accessed from the following URL. To access this link, you need to login with your ECCS account.
Associate Professor Asako Uchibori
Institute for Innovation in International Engineering Education, School of Engineering
Contact:uchibori[at]cce.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (please change [at] to @)