(Special) International Collaborative Practice
(Special) International Collaborative Practice A V: Urban Project
Last updated: 2024/9/5

Students are asked to propose a future built and social environment of a selected district among diverse urban areas in Tokyo after discovering its issues and attractiveness, and assuming future environmental, social and economic changes. Built environment includes buildings, public space and urban infrastructure. Students of various expertise will work in a group intensively for 1 to 2 month(s) in A1 to A2 term. To facilitate participation by international students, English has been used as the basic language. The 2017-2021 deliverables of this practice which includes related practices (Urban Design Studio: Re-designing Tokyo’s urban fabric)’ works offered by the Department of Urban Engineering are compiled at the URL below.
Course codes
For Undergraduate: FEN-CO3945S3
For Graduate: 3799-425
Associate Professor Akito Murayama
Department of Urban Engineering, School of Engineering
Contact:aktmurayama[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp (please change [at] to @)